Sunday, December 14, 2008

Mission Statement and Marketing Strategy

“A mission statement is a statement of the organization’s purpose – what it wants to accomplish in the larger environment. A clear mission statement acts as an “invisible hand” that guides people in the organization.” (Kotler, Marketing: An Introduction, Pg. 37) A clear mission statement acts as an invisible hand because it can point in more direction, and some directions may be more appealing to a larger crowd than others which is what you want. You could say that your mission is to make money for yourself, but nobody’s going to like that and nobody’s going to want to purchase your products after reading that, you want something that is going to make your consumers feel secure and important like they are what the business is about, which they really are. The mission statement I have designed for this company is as follows: “To add a whole world of easily available, delicious, recipes to the daily lives of people missing their teeth for them to readily enjoy.” “Consumers stand in the center. The goal is to create value for customers and build profitable customer relationships. Next comes the Marketing Strategy – The marketing logic by which the company hopes to create this customer value and achieve these profitable relationships.” (Kotler, Marketing: An Introduction, Pg. 47) Creating a designated marketing strategy gives the company a clear way to reach its long term goals. First you must divide the market into segments, then you want to find the most attractive or profitable markets and target them. Then you must position your product so your target market knows “why a shopper will pay a little more for your brand.” (Pg. 49)

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